Command Groups
Table 2-25: Measurement Commands (cont.)
MEASUrement:IMMed:SOUrce Sets or returns the “from” source for all single
channel immediate measurements
MEASUrement:IMMed:S O U rce2 Sets or returns the source to measure “to” for
phase or delay immediate measurements
MEASUrement:IMMed:T YPe Sets or returns the type of the immediate
MEASUrement:IMMed:U N Its? Returns the units of the immediate
MEASUrement:IMMed:VALue? Returns the value of the immediate
MEASUrement:IND IC ators ?
Returns all measurement indicator
MEASUrement:IND IC ators :HORZ<x>? Returns the position of the specified
horizontal measurement indicator
MEASUrement:IND IC a tors :NUMHORZ? Returns the number of horizontal
measurement indicators currently being
MEASUrement:INDICators:NUMVERT? Returns the number of vertical measurement
indicators currently being displayed
MEASUrement:IND IC ators:STATE Sets or returns the state of visible
measurement indicators
MEASUrement:INDIC ators :VERT<x>? Returns the value of the specified vertical
measurement indicator
Returns all measurement parameters
MEASUrement:MEAS<x>:COUNt? Returns the number of values accumulated
since the last statistical reset
Returns the delay measurement parameters
for the specified measurement
MEASUrement:MEAS<x>:DELay:DIRection Sets or returns the search direction to use for
delay measurements
MEASUrement:MEAS<x>:DELay:EDGE<x> Sets or returns the slope of the edge to
use for delay “from” and “to” waveform
MEASUrement:MEAS<x>:MAXimum? Returns the maximum value found since the
last statistical reset
Returns the m ean value accumulated since
the last statistical reset
MEASUrement:MEAS<x>:MINImum? Returns the minimum value found since the
last statistical reset
MEASUrement:MEAS<x>:SOURCE[1] Sets or returns the channel from which
measurements are taken
2-28 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual