Reelmaster 7000 Hydraulic SystemPage 4 -- 53
Procedure for Cutting Unit Motor Case Drain Leak-
age Test
NOTE: Over a period of time, a cutting unit motor can
wear internally. A worn motor may bypass oil to its case
drain causing the motor to be less efficient. Eventually,
enough oil loss w ill causethe motor to stall under heavy
cutting conditions. Continued operation with a worn, in-
efficient motor can generate excessive heat, cause
damage to seals andother components in the hydraulic
system and affect quality of cut.
NOTE: One method to find a failing or malfunctioning
cutting unit motor is to have another person observe the
machinewhilemowingin denseturf.Abadmotorwillrun
slower,produce fewer clippings andmay cause a differ-
ent appearance on the turf.
1. Make sure hydraulic oil is at normal operating tem-
(10) minutes. Make sure the hydraulic tank is full.
2. Parkmachine onalevel surfacewith thecuttingunits
lowered and off. Make sure engine is offand the parking
brake is engaged.
Prevent personal injury and/or damage to equip-
ment. Read all WARNINGS, CAUTIONS and Pre-
cautions for Hydraulic Testing at the beginning
of this section.
NOTE: Thecutting unitmotors are connected inseries.
To isolate a faulty motor, all motors in the circuit may
have to be tested by starting with the first motor in the
circuit (see Hydraulic Schematic).
IMPORTANT: Make sure that the oil flow indicator
arrow on the tester is showing that the oil will flow
from the motor fitting, through the tester and into
the disconnected hose.
3. Disconnect hydraulic return hose (rear hose) from
themotor tobe tested.Install testerwith pressuregauge
and flow meter in series with the motor and the discon-
nected return hose.Make sure the flow control valve on
tester is fully open.
4. Disconnect the motor case drain hose (small diame-
ter hose) where it connects to bulkhead fitting at the
frame rail (not at the motor). Put a steel cap on the bulk-
head fitting; leave the case drain hose open.
5. Start engine and run at low idlespeed. Check for hy-
draulic leakage and correct before proceedingwith test.
Cutting reel blades will rotatewhen loweredwith
PTO switch in ON position. Keep away from cut-
ting units during test to prevent personal injury
from rotating reel blades. Do not stand in front of
the machine during test.
6. Move throttle to high idle speed (2850 RPM).Make
sure that mow speed limiter is in the mow (4WD) posi-
tion. With seat occupied, release the parking brake and
engage the cutting units.
7. While watching tester pressure gauge, slowly close
flow control valve on tester until a pressure of 1200 PSI
(83 bar) is obtained.
NOTE: Use a graduated container, special tool
TOR4077, to measure case drain leakage.
8. Have a second person measure flow from the case
drain line for fifteen (15) seconds, then move the PTO
switch to OFF, open the tester flow control valve and
stop the engine. Record test results.
TEST RESULTS: Casedrain leakage shouldbe less
than22.4 ounces(662 ml)ofhydraulic fluidinfifteen
(15) seconds (0.7 GPM / 2.7 LPM).
9. If case drain flow is more than 22.4 ounces (662 ml)
in fifteen (15) seconds, the reel motor is worn or dam-
aged and should be repaired or replaced.
10.Disconnect tester from motor and hose. Reconnect
hose to the cutting unit motor. Remove cap from bulk-
head fitting and reconnect case drain hose.
11.Repeat test for additional reel motors if required.
Figure 41
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