Reelmaster 7000 Hydraulic SystemPage 4 -- 93
Cutting Reel Motor
The hydraulic reel motors used on all cutting units are
the same.
1. Park machine on a level surface, lower cutting units,
stop engine, engage parking brake and remove key
from the ignition switch.
2. Read the General Precautions for Removing and
Installing Hydraulic System Components at the begin-
ning of the Service and Repairs section of this chapter.
3. To prevent contamination ofhydraulic system during
reel motor removal, thoroughly clean exterior of motor.
4. Disconnect hydraulic hoses from reel motor. Put
caps or plugs on fittings and hoses to prevent contami-
nation of hydraulic system. Label hydraulic hoses for
proper assembly.
5. Loosen two (2) capscrews that secure the hydraulic
reel motor to the cutting unit side plate. Rotate motor
clockwise and remove motor from cutting unit.
6. Inspectreelinsert splinesfor wear. Replaceif neces-
sary (see Reel Removal and Installation in the Service
and Repairs section of Chapter 7 -- DPA Cutting Units).
7. Placeprotective plasticcap (seeSpecialToolsin this
chapter) into the hole in thecutting unit side plate to pre-
vent debris entry into reel bearing area.
8. If hydraulic fittings are to be removed from reel mo-
tor, mark fitting orientation to allow correct assembly.
Remove fittings from motor and discard O --rings.
1. If fittings were removed from reel motor, lubricate
and place new O--rings onto fittings. Install fittings into
motor ports using marks made during the removal pro-
cess to properly orientate fittings. Tighten fittings (see
Hydraulic Fitting Installation in the General Information
section of this chapter).
2. Remove cover from cutting unit opening.
3. Coat spline shaft of the reel motor with No. 2 multi-
purpose lithium base grease.
4. Installthe cap screws for the reel drivemotor into the
cutting unit side plate and leave approximately 1/2 inch
(12.7 mm) of threads exposed on each screw.
5. Rotate the motor clockwise so the motor flanges
clear the cap screws in the cutting unit side plates.Align
reel motor shaft splines with cutting reel insert splines.
Slide motor shaft into reel insert.
6. Rotate the motor counter--clockwise until the motor
flanges are encircling the cap screws. Tighten two (2)
cap screws to secure reel motor to cutting unit.
7. Remove caps or plugs from hydraulic fittings and
hoses. Connect hydraulic hoses to reel motor (see Hy-
draulic Hose and Tube Installation in the General Infor-
mation section of this chapter).
8. After assembly is completed, verify that hydraulic
hosesand fittingsarenotcontacted byanymoving com-
9. Check oil level in hydraulic reservoir and add correct
oil if necessary.
10.Follow Hydraulic System Start--up procedures (see
Hydraulic System Start--up in this section).
1. Cap screw 2. Hydraulic reel motor
Figure 67