Reelmaster 7000 Hydraulic SystemPage 4 -- 91
Removal (Fig. 65)
1. Park machine on a level surface, lower cutting units,
stop engine, engage parking brake and remove key
from the ignition switch.
2. Raise front of machine and support with jackstands.
3. Read the General Precautions for Removing and
Installing Hydraulic System Components at the begin-
ning of the Service and Repairs section of this chapter.
4. To prevent contamination ofhydraulic system during
wheel motor removal, thoroughly clean exterior of mo-
5. Disconnect hydraulic hoses and tubes from wheel
motor.Put capsor plugs on hosesand fittings to prevent
contamination. Label the hydraulic lines to show their
correct position on the wheel motor for assembly pur-
IMPORTANT: Support wheel motor to prevent mo-
tor from falling during removal.
6. Remove wheel motor using Figure 65 as a guide.
7. Ifhydraulicfittings aretobe removedfrom wheelmo-
tor, mark fitting orientation to allow correct assembly.
Remove fittings from motor and discard O --rings.
Installation (Fig. 65)
IMPORTANT: If fittings were removed from wheel
motor backplate, make sure that straight hydraulic
fittings (item 24) are installed and properly tight-
ened first. Then, install and tighten angled fittings
(items17 and 22).Ifa ngled fittings areinstalledfirst,
straight fittings may contact angled fittings before
the straight fitting is properly tightened resulting in
hydraulic leakage.
1. If fittings were removed from wheel motor, lubricate
and place new O--rings onto fittings. Install fittings into
motor ports using marks made during the removal pro-
cess to properly orientate fittings. Tighten fittings (see
Hydraulic Fitting Installation in the General Information
section of this chapter).
2. Positionwheelmotortobrakeassemblymakingsure
that arrows on the side of motor case point upward.
3. Align splines on motor shaft and splined brake shaft.
Slide motor into brake assembly.
4. Secure motor to brake assembly with cap screws
andflat washers.Tightencapscrews from75 to85ft--lb
(102 to 115 N--m).
5. Removeplugs from lines and fittings. Attachhydrau-
lic lines and tubes to wheel motor (see Hydraulic Hose
and Tube Installation in the General Information section
of this chapter).
6. Lower machine to ground.
7. Check oil level in hydraulic reservoir and add correct
oil if necessary.
8. Follow Hydraulic System Start--up procedures (see
Hydraulic System Start--up in this section).