Reelmaster 7000 Page 6 -- 15 Axles, Planetaries and Brakes
7. Removehydraulic hose from hydraulic fittingon side
of input gear case.
8. Remove lock nut andflat washerfrom axlepivot pin.
9. Support rear axle to prevent it from falling. Remove
pivot pin. Lower rear axle from machine. Note location
of thrust washer on both ends of axle mounting boss.
10.If neededforfurther axledisassembly, removesteer-
ing cylinder from axle (see Steering Cylinder in Service
and Repairs section of Chapter 4 -- Hydraulic System).
11.If required, remove tie rod ends from steering arms
on rearaxle (Fig. 10).Remove the cotterpins and castle
nuts from the tie rod ball joints. Use a ball joint fork and
remove the tie rod ends from the axle steering arms.
12.Clean the rear axle pivot pin and pivot bushings. In-
spectthepinandbushings forwearordamage.Replace
components as necessary.
Install Rear Axle (Fig. 9)
1. If removed, installsteering cylinderto axle assembly
(seeSteering Cylinder inService andRepairs section of
Chapter 4 -- Hydraulic System).
2. If removed, install the tie rod to rear axle (Fig. 10).
Tighten ball joint castle nuts and install new cotter pins.
3. Support axle under machine with a jack. Position
axle assembly to rear frame mount.
4. Install axle pivot pin to secure axle to frame. Make
sure to install thrust washer between axle pivot and
frame on both ends of the pivot. With washers installed,
there should be from 0.002 to 0.020 inch (0.05 to 0.51
mm) clearance between rear frame mount and axle
mounting boss. Add thrust washers if needed to adjust
5. Install flat washer and lock nut onto axle pivot pin.
Lock nut should be tightened enough to allow pivot pin
to rotate (70 ft--lb (94 N--m) maximum).
6. Install hydraulic motor to axle assembly (see Rear
Axle Motor in Service and Repairs section of Chapter 4
-- Hydraulic System).
7. Install hydraulic hoses to steering cylinder and input
gear case.
Failure to maintain proper wheel lug nut torque
could result in failure or loss of wheel and may
result in personal injury.
8. Install wheels to axle. Lower machine to ground.
Torque wheel lug nuts from 85 to 100 ft--lb (116 to 135
9. Fill axle with SAE 85W--140 weight gear lube.
10.Check rearwheeltoe--inandadjustifnecessary(see
Traction Unit Operator’s Manual).
11.Check steering s top bolt adjustment. When the
steering cylinder is fully contracted (left turn), a gap of
1/16” (1.6 mm) should exist between bevel gear case
casting and stop bolt on left axle case. Figure 11 shows
stop bolt location.
1. Tie rod
2. Dust cover
3. Cotter pin
4. Castle nut
5. Tie rod end
6. Steering arm (LH)
Figure 10
1. Steering stop bolt 2. Bevel gear case (LH)
Figure 11
Axles, Planetaries
and Brakes