Reelmaster 7000Page 5 -- 28Electrical System
Cutting Unit Position Sensor
The cutting unitposition sensor is a normally open prox-
imity s ensor that is located on the traction unit frame
(Fig. 36). The sensing plate that closes the sensor is a
gusset on the front right cutting unit (#5) lift arm.
When the cutting unitsare lowered, the gusset on thelift
arm is located near the position sensor and the sensor
closes.Thisclosed sensorprovidesan inputfortheTEC
controller to allow the lowered cutting units to operate.
Sensor Testing
1. Park machine on a level surface, lower cutting units,
stop engine and engage parking brake.
2. Beforedisconnecting the cuttingunit position sensor
for testing, the sensor and its circuit wiring should be
tested as a TEC input with the Diagnostic Display (see
DiagnosticDisplay inthe Troubleshootingsectionofthis
chapter). If the Diagnostic Display verifies that the posi-
tion sensor and circuit wiring are functioning correctly,
no further sensor testing is necessary. If, however, the
Display determines that the position sensor and circuit
wiring are not functioning correctly, proceed with test.
3. Turn ignition switch to the ON position and check
LED on cable end of cutting unit position sensor (Fig.
36). LED should be illuminated when the cutting units
are fully lowered. The LED should not be illuminated
when thecutting units are raisedabove the turn--around
4. If the position sensor LED did not function correctly:
A. Make sure that the cutting unit position sensor is
properly adjusted (see Cutting Unit Position Sensor
in the Adjustments section of this chapter). If neces-
sary, adjust sensor and return to step 2 above.
B. Make sure ignition switch is OFF and disconnect
the cutting unit position sensor connector from ma-
chine wire harness.
C. Verify that the machine wire harness connector
terminal for black wire is closed (continuity) to
D. Turn ignition switch to the ON position (do not
start engine) and verify with a multimeter that ma-
chine wire harness connector terminal for pink wire
has system voltage (12 VDC) present.
E. If black wire is c losed to ground, pink wire has
systemvoltagepresentandsensorLEDdid notfunc-
tion, replace cutting unitposition sensor. Adjust sen-
sor after installation (see Cutting Unit Position
Sensor in the Adjustments section of this chapter).
5. If the cutting unit position sensor tests correctly and
a circuit problem still exists, check wire harness (see
Electrical Schematic and Wire Harness Drawings in
Chapter 9 -- Foldout Drawings).
6. Make sure that cutting unit position sensor is con-
nected to wire harness when testing is complete.
1. Position sensor
2. Sensor cable
3. Lift arm (#5)
Figure 36
Figure 37
#4 #1 #5