Tektronix DPO4000 Landscape Lighting User Manual

Command Groups
Table 2-31: Trigger Commands (cont.)
TRIGger:A:LOGIc:PATtern:WHEn Sets or returns the pattern
logic condition on which to
trigger the oscilloscope
TRIGger:A:LOGIc:PATtern:WHEn:LESSLimit Sets or returns the maximum
time that the selected pattern
maybetrue andstill generate
an A logic pattern trigger
TRIGger:A:LOGIc:PATtern:WHEn:MORELim i t Sets or returns the minimum
time that the selected pattern
maybetrue andstill generate
an A logic pattern trigger
TRIGger:A:LOGIc:THReshold:CH<x> Sets or queries the trigger
A logic threshold voltage for
the specied channel
TRIGger:A:LOGIc:THReshold:D<x> Sets or returns the trigger A
logic threshold level for the
specied digital channel
TRIGger:A:LOWerthreshold:CH<x> Sets or returns the lower
threshold for the channel
TRIGger:A:LOWerthreshold:D<x> Sets the A trigger lower
threshold for the digital
channel selected
TRIGger:A:LOWerthreshold{:EXT|:AUX} Sets or returns the lower
threshold for the Auxiliary
TRIGger:A:MO De Sets or returns the A trigger
Returns the A pulse trigger
TRIGger:A:PULse:CLAss Sets or returns the type of
pulse on which to trigger
Returns the trigger A pulse
width parameters
TRIGger:A:PULSEWidth:POLarity Sets or returns the polarity
for the A pulse width trigger
TRIGger:A:PULSEWidth:SOUrce Sets or returns the source
for the pulse width trigger
TRIGger:A:PULSEWidth:WHEn Sets or returns the criteria for
width specication of pulse
width trigger events
TRIGger:A:PULSEWidth:WIDth Sets or returns the width
setting for the pulse width
2-54 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual