Operating Basics: User Interface
2-16 OTS9100 User Manual
Test Control Bar
The Test Control bar provides the controls to start, stop, pause, and continue the test. If multiple
cards are present, the test control bar also allows the user to choose the specific card under test
by use of the pull down menu. The Test Control bar may be activated via the View menu or
from the
toggle button on the toolbar.
NOTE: Changing parameters while a test is in progress may cause invalid errors.
Main Status Bar
The main status bar, provides a summary status all active modules, these could include laser, test,
error insertion, optical and jitter transmit states of all modules. Whether a status button displays
on the status bar or not is dependent upon the configuration of the loaded OTS cards. Each
button has to states, an On or Active state and an OFF or Inactive state.
Client Lockout
The user interface has the ability to lockout other users from setting parameters. To set the
lockout control, double click the box to the left of the main status bar (if this feature is in an
inactive state the box will be an empty gray square). The Lockout Control dialog box will be
displayed. Click the desired button and then click OK to return to the main screen. When the
lockout is in effect, a lock symbol will appear in the box by the main status bar. To unlock the
server, use the same procedure.
When one client has locked out others, the lockout indicator
will be displayed. If an operator
tries to change a configuration parameter while locked out, a warning dialog will be displayed.
The lockout control dialog box may also be accessed by selecting Server Lockout from the
System menu.
If jitter is generated the Jitter Inactive status box will change color and change from Jitter
Inactive to active. If no jitter is being generated the Jitter Inactive message is displayed on a
background of gray.
If an error insertion rate is active, the status bar will change color and change from Error Inactive
to Error Active. If no errors are being created the Error Inactive message is displayed on a
background of gray.
Jitter Status
Error Status
Test Status
Laser Status