Reference: Remote Commands ~ Command Description
3-38 OTS9100 User Manual
This query returns the values of all of the parameters of the :SENSe:MEASure:PATH:CUMUlative? query.
The parameters are returned in the order in which they are listed under the heading
:SENSe:MEASure:PATH:CUMUlative. Ratios are returned in NR3 format; other values are returned in
NR1 format
Syntax: :SENSe<slot>:MEASure:PATH:CUMUlative:ALL?
This query returns the value of the specified result parameter as measured during the most recent 'N'
seconds. The duration 'N' of the measurement window is set by the :SENSe:MEASure:WINDow:SIZE
Syntax: :SENSe<slot>:MEASure:PATH:WINDow? <Enum>
Parameters Description
B3_C B3 errors
B3_ES B3 errored seconds
B3_ER B3 error ratio
REI_C Path REI errors
REI_ES Path REI errored seconds
REI_ER Path REI error ratio
AIS_ES Path AIS errored seconds
RDI_ES Path RDI errored seconds
PLM_ES Path Label Mismatch errored seconds
UNEQ_ES Path Label Unequipped errored seconds
LSS_ES Loss of Synch errored seconds
LOP_ES Loss of Pointer errored seconds
J1TIM_ES Path trace mismatch errored seconds
PAYL_C Payload errors
PAYL_ES Payload errored seconds
PAYL_ER Payload error ratio
RDIPAY_ES Path RDI (Payload) errored seconds
RDICON_ES Path RDI (Connectivity) errored seconds
RDISRV_ES Path RDI (Server) errored seconds
This query returns the values of all of the parameters of the :SENSe:MEASure:PATH:WINDow? query, as
measured during the most recent N-second period. The parameters are returned in the order in which
they are listed under :SENSe:MEASure:PATH:WINDow. Ratios are returned in NR3 format; other values
are returned in NR1 format.
Syntax: :SENSe<slot>:MEASure:PATH:WINDow:ALL?