Operating Basics: User Interface
OTS9100 User Manual 2-99
OTS System Event Printer Application
This is an auxiliary application that runs on the OTS system to log receiver events (defects and
anomalies). Events may be printed as they are logged, if a printer is attached to the system, or
the list of logged events may be captured to a file or to the Windows clipboard.
Starting the Event Printer program
The Event Printer is a separate application from the user interface. To start Event Printer,
double-click its desktop icon. When started, the Event Printer main screen is displayed, as
shown in Figure 2-67.
Figure 2-67: Event Printer main screen
Logging controls how events are logged. The selections available are:
o Off. Event logging is disabled
o Display. Events are logged to the application’s text window only
o Display/Print. Events are logged to the application’s window and to the default
Windows printer
Select Events
Clicking this button brings up a window, shown and discussed below, with which the user selects
the events to be monitored.