Reference: Remote Commands ~ Command Description
OTS9100 User Manual 3-59
This command specifies whether a generated B2 error is replicated into all the B2 bytes of the frame (ON)
or appears only in the first byte (OFF). The query form returns the current setting.
Syntax :SOURce<slot>:INSErt:ANOMaly:REPLicate:B2A?
:SOURce<slot>:INSErt:ANOMaly:REPLicate:B2A <Boolean>
This query returns the current state of anomaly insertion.
Syntax :SOURce<slot>:INSErt:ANOMaly:STATe?
Parameters Description
INACT Defect/anomaly insertion is inactive
SING_INACT One-time defect/anomaly insertion is inactive
SING_DWELL One-time defect/anomaly insertion is active
BRST_INACT Burst defect/anomaly insertion is inactive
BRST_ACT Burst defect/anomaly insertion is active, between bursts
BRST_DWELL Burst defect/anomaly insertion is active
CONT_INACT Continuous defect/anomaly insertion is inactive
CONT_ACT Continuous defect/anomaly insertion is inactive
CONT_DWELL Continuous defect/anomaly insertion is active
This command selects the type of anomaly inserted. The query form returns the current selection.
Syntax :SOURce<slot>:INSErt:ANOMaly:TYPE?
:SOURce<slot>:INSErt:ANOMaly:TYPE <Enum>
Parameters Description
NONE No anomaly is selected
B1BIP B1 parity errors
B2BIP B2 parity errors
B3BIP B3 parity errors
REI Line REI errors
REI_P Path REI errors
PATTern Pattern bit errors
RANDom Errors in randomly-selected framing, overhead, and payload bits
BIT_SPE Errors in randomly-selected SPE bits (SONET mode only)
BIT_VC Errors in randomly-selected VC bit (SDH mode only)