Reference: Remote Commands ~ Command Description
3-26 OTS9100 User Manual
This command enables or disables the inclusion of path Trace Identifier Mismatch errors in the analysis of
received signals. The query form returns the current setting.
Syntax: :SENSe<slot>:ANALysis:PATH:TRACe:TIM?
:SENSe<slot>:ANALysis:PATH:TRACe:TIM <Boolean>
This command sets the data sequence length and data byte values against which the receiver compares
the received signal for Trace Identifier Mismatch measurements. The data bytes are formatted as a
standard IEEE-488 data block. The query form returns the current settings of these parameters.
Syntax :SENSe<slot>:ANALysis:SECTion:TRACe:EXPEcted?
:SENSe<slot>:ANALysis:SECTion:TRACe:EXPEcted <Enum> ,<Block>
Parameters Description
L1B Constant 8-bit data
L16B A repeating sequence of 16 bytes, 0-filled with CRC
L16FREE A repeating sequence of 16 bytes, arbitrary format
L64B A repeating sequence of 64 bytes, space-filled with CR/LF
L64FREE A repeating sequence of 64 bytes, arbitrary format
This command sets the data sequence length used by the receiver for Trace Identifier Mismatch
measurements. This parameter may also be set by the :SENSe:ANALysis:SECTion:TRACe:EXPEcted
command. The query form returns the current setting of this parameter.
Syntax :SENSe<slot>:ANALysis:SECTion:TRACe:EXPEcted:TYPE?
:SENSe<slot>:ANALysis:SECTion:TRACe:EXPEcted:TYPE <Enum>
Parameters Description
L1B Constant 8-bit data
L16B A repeating sequence of 16 bytes, 0-filled with CRC
L16FREE A repeating sequence of 16 bytes, arbitrary format
L64B A repeating sequence of 64 bytes, space-filled with CR/LF
L64FREE A repeating sequence of 64 bytes, arbitrary format