Step Sweep
In step sweep frequency mode, the output frequency
changes in discrete, synthesized steps between the
selected start and stop frequencies. Step sweeps can
be from a low frequency to a high frequency and
from a high frequency to a low frequency. Step
sweeps can be selected to be linear or logarithmic.
The sweep width can be set from 0.01 Hz to the full
frequency range of the instrument.
The step size or number of steps between the sweep
start and stop frequencies, the dwell-time-per-step,
the sweep time, the type of step sweep (linear or log
arithmic), and sweep trigger are controllable from
step sweep menus.
Selecting Step
Sweep Mode
To place the MG369XB in step sweep frequency
mode, press Frequency . At the resulting menu dis
play, press Step Sweep [SSP]. The Step Sweep
menu (below) is then displayed.
This menu lets you perform the following:
Select a sweep range (edit the sweep start and
stop frequency parameters)
Set the dwell-time-per-step
Set the step size
Select an output power level for the sweep
Access the additional step sweep menu (set the
sweep time, set the number of steps, access the
Trigger menu, select log or linear sweep, and
access the alternate sweep menu)
3-28 MG369XB OM
Sweep Frequency Operation Local (Front Panel) Operation