Sweep Trigger
Auto .....................3-31
External ...................3-31
Single ....................3-31
System Configuration
Configuring the Front Panel ........3-77
Configuring the GPIB............3-81
Configuring the Rear Panel.........3-78
Configuring the RF .............3-79
Frequency Scaling..............3-80
Menu Map ..................4-19
Setting Increment Sizes ..........3-84
Termination Soft-Keys .............3-13
Termination, GPIB ...............2-12
Test Equipment ...............1-7, 5-3
Test Record
Frequency Synthesis .............5-7
Testing, Operational Verification
Frequency Synthesis .........5-5to5-9
Initial MG369XB Checkout .........5-4
Power Level Accuracy and Flatness 5-10 to 5-39
Test Equipment................5-3
Test Records ........5-4, 5-7, 5-16 to 5-39
Testing, Performance Verification
Maximum Leveled Power Listing. . . 1-5 to 1-6
Title Bar .....................3-9
List Sweep..................3-49
Power Sweep ................3-57
Sweep ....................3-31
Troubleshooting Tables.........6-11 to 6-13
Units ...................3-52, 3-60
Unleveled ....................6-13
Updates, Display ................3-82
Use With Other Instruments
56100A Scalar Network Analyzer .....7-10
8003 Scalar Network Analyzer . . 7-11 to 7-14
HP8757D Scalar Network Analyzer 7-15 to 7-18
IF Up-Conversion ..........7-19 to 7-20
Master-Slave Operation ........7-4to7-9
Option 7 ...................7-19
Video Markers .................3-36
Warmup Time ..................2-9
Zero Display (phase offset) ...........3-25
Subject Index T-Z
MG369XB OM Index-5/Index-6