This menu lets you edit the listed frequencies for
the Slave instrument [SLF0-SLF, SLM0-SLM9].
Use the cursor control keys to select a frequency pa
rameter from the list, then press Edit Selected to
edit its value. Edit the current frequency parameter
value using the cursor control keys, rotary data
knob, or enter a new value using the key pad and
appropriate termination soft-key. Press Edit Se-
lected again to close the open frequency parameter.
When you are finished editing the slave frequencies,
press < Previous to return to the Master-Slave
menu (below).
The Master-Slave menu lets you set the delta fre
quency and L1 and L2 power level parameters for
the Slave unit.
Press Slave Delta Freq [SLDF] to open the dF fre
quency parameter.
Press Slave L1 [SLL1] to open the main power level
Press Slave L2 [SLL2] to open the alternate sweep
power level parameter.
7-6 MG369XB OM
Master-Slave Operation Use With Other Instruments
Upon reset, the slave frequencies
(F0 - F9 and M0 - M9) return to the
default values.