Press Step Size to open the step size time parame
Press Step Time to open the dwell-time-per-step pa
rameter, then edit the current value using the cur
sor control key, rotary data knob, or enter a new
value using the keypad and appropriate termination
key. To close the open parameter, press Step Time
or make another menu selection.
Press < Previous to return to the Internal Pulse
Status menu display.
Start Delay and End Delay times may be from lower
to higher times or vice versa.
The Step Size time will be applied as an increment
or a decrement as appropriate.
During pulse modulation, when the step delay mode
is on, both Start Delay and Stop Delay times are er-
ror checked as Delay 1 (D1) times against other
pulse parameters. Step Size time is checked against
the Start Delay and Stop Delay times and must be
no greater than the difference between Start Delay
and Stop Delay.
3-114 MG369XB OM
Signal Modulation Local (Front Panel) Operation