The Increment menu lets you set the incremental
size for editing frequency, power level, and time pa
rameters. When the increment mode is selected on,
these parameter values will increase or decrease by
the set amount each time the Ù or Ú pad is pressed
or the rotary data knob is turned clockwise or coun
ter-clockwise. The menu also lets you turn the incre
ment mode on and off.
To access the Increment menu from the System
Configuration menu, press Increment > . The Incre
ment menu (below) is displayed.
Press Frequency Increment to open the frequency
increment parameter.
Press Level Increment to open the power level in-
crement parameter.
Press Time Increment to open the time increment
Open the parameter you wish to change, then edit
the current value using the cursor control keys, ro
tary data knob, or enter a new value using the key
pad and appropriate termination key. When you
have finished setting the open parameter, close it by
pressing its menu soft-key or by making another
menu selection.
Press Increment Mode to turn the increment mode
on. Press Increment Mode again to turn it off.
Press < Previous to return to the System Configu
ration menu display.
3-84 MG369XB OM
System Configuration Local (Front Panel) Operation