At the Level menu, press User Lvl Cal . The User
Level Cal menu (below) is displayed.
This menu lets you perform the following:
Select a measurement frequency range (edit
the start and stop frequency parameters)
Select the number of points at which correction
information is to be taken
Apply a power-offset table to the test setup
Create a power-offset table
Access the frequency scaling and offset menus
First, press the menu soft-key to select the
power-offset table (User 1, User 2, User 3, User 4,or
User 5) that you wish to create.
Next, set the measurement frequency range by
pressing Edit Start or Edit Stop to open the start
(Flo) or stop (Fhi) frequency parameter for editing.
Edit the current frequency using the cursor control
keys, rotary data knob, or enter a new value using
the keypad and appropriate termination soft-key.
When you have finished setting the open parameter,
close it by pressing its menu soft-key or by making
another menu selection.
Then, select the number of frequency points at
which correction information is to be taken by press
ing Edit Points to open the number-of-points param
eter for editing. Edit the current number-of- points
using the cursor control keys, rotary data knob, or
enter a new value using the keypad and the termi
nation soft-key. (The number-of-points range is 2 to
801.) When you have finished setting the open num
ber-of-points parameter, close it by pressing
Edit Points or by making another menu selection.
MG369XB OM 3-73
Local (Front Panel) Operation Leveling Operations