Reelmaster 3550−DHydraulic System Page 4 − 28
Lift Circuit Problems
Problem Possible Cause
Cutting units will not lift or lift slowly. Engine speed is too low.
Hydraulic tank oil level is low
(NOTE: Other hydraulic systems are affected as well).
An electrical problem exists that prevent lift control manifold solen-
oids from being energized (see Chapter 5 − Electrical System in
this manual)
Lift arm bushings are binding.
Implement relief valve (in steering control valve) is stuck open.
Lift cylinders leak internally.
Gear pump (P2) is worn or damaged
(NOTE: Steering and traction charge systems are affected as well).
Cutting units raise, but will not stay
up as the traction units travels
between adjacent fairways or fields.
NOTE: Lift circuit components can-
not provide an absolutely perfect
seal. The lift arms will eventually
lower if left in the raised position dur-
ing storage.
Lift circuit hydraulic lines or fittings are leaking.
Lift control manifold cartridge valve(s) has damaged seals or is faulty.
Lift cylinders leak internally.
Cutting units will not lower.
NOTE: To lower the cutting units,
the seat must be occupied and the
mow/transport switch must be in the
MOW position.
Lift arm pivots are binding.
An electrical problem exists that prevents the solenoid valve (S1) in
lift control manifold from being energized (See Chapter 5 − Electri-
cal System in this manual).
Solenoid valve (S1) in lift control manifold is faulty.
Lift cylinder(s) for affected cutting unit(s) is damaged.