Reelmaster 3550−D GroomerPage 8 − 9
K. Check pulley alignment by laying a straight edge
along the outer face of the drive pulley (Fig. 5). Drive
and driven pulleys should be in line within 0.030”
(0.70 mm). If necessary, align pulleys by removing
driven pulley and installing or removing washer(s)
between pulley and pulley spacer.
L. After pulleys are aligned, install groomer drive
belt and groomer belt cover (see Groomer Belt Re-
placement in this section).
4. Check that excluder seals just touch groomer plate
assembly. Reposition excluder seals on groomer shaft
if necessary.
5. Check groomer reel height and mower height−of−cut
settings. Adjust as needed.
6. Lubricate groomer bearings.
NOTE: After greasing groomer bearings, operate
groomer for 30 seconds, stop machine and wipe excess
grease from groomer shaft and seals.