Reelmaster 3550−D Page 5 − 11 Electrical System
Verify Diagnostic Display Output Functions
The Diagnostic Display also has the ability to detect
which outputs (solenoids, relays and indicator lights) are
energized by the TEC controller. This is a quick way to
determine if a machine malfunction is electrical or hy-
NOTE: An open output (e.g. an unplugged connector or
a broken wire) cannot be detected with the Diagnostic
Display. The diagnostic display confirms the signal is be-
ing sent from the TEC controller, not that the solenoid,
relay or indicator light is receiving the signal.
1. Park machine on a level surface, lower the cutting
units, stop the engine and engage the parking brake.
2. Remove cover from control panel to allow access to
wire harness loop−back connector. Locate wire harness
and loop−back connector (Fig. 11). Carefully unplug
loop−back connector from wire harness connector.
3. Connect the Diagnostic Display connector to the
wire harness connector. Make sure correct overlay de-
cal is positioned on the Diagnostic Display (Fig. 12).
NOTE: The red text on the Diagnostic Display overlay
decal refers to TEC inputs and the green text refers to
TEC outputs.
4. The “outputs displayed
” LED, on lower right column
of the Diagnostic Display, should be illuminated. If “in-
puts displayed” LED is illuminated, press the toggle but-
ton on the Diagnostic Display to change the LED to
“outputs displayed
NOTE: It may be necessary to toggle between “inputs
displayed” and “outputs displayed” several times to per-
form the following step. To change from inputs to out-
puts, press toggle button once. This may be done as
often as required. Do not press and hold toggle but-
5. Attempt to operate the desired function of the ma-
chine. Use the following information to position the ne-
cessary input(s) and illuminate the desired output LED
indicating that the TEC controller is energizing that func-
Keep away from cutting units during test to pre-
vent personal injury from the cutting blades.
1. Wire harness connector
2. Loop−back connector
3. Control panel
Figure 11
Figure 12