Reelmaster 3550−D Page 5 − 17 Electrical System
Cutting Unit Operating Problems
Problem Possible Causes
Cutting units run (but should not) when raised. The mow control manifold proportional relief valve
(PRV) solenoid coil or circuit wiring is faulty.
A hydraulic problem exists (see Chapter 5 − Hydraulic
System in this manual).
The TEC Controller is faulty.
Cutting units do not run when lowered with the
mow/transport switch in the MOW position.
Fuse(s) is (are) faulty (other electrical components
most likely affected as well).
Engine temperature is high (above 220°F (105°C).
Engine temperature sender or circuit wiring is faulty.
The transport/mow switch is out of adjustment.
The transport/mow switch or circuit wiring is faulty.
The mow control manifold proportional relief valve
(PRV) solenoid coil or circuit wiring is faulty.
A hydraulic problem exists (see Chapter 5 − Hydraulic
System in this manual).
The TEC Controller is faulty.
Cutting units will not raise. Fuse(s) is (are) faulty (other electrical components
most likely affected as well).
Raise switch in joystick assembly is faulty.
Raise switch circuit wiring is faulty.
Lift control manifold solenoid valve coil(s) (S1, S3
and/or S4) or circuit wiring is faulty.
A hydraulic problem exists (see Chapter 5 − Hydraulic
System in this manual).
The TEC Controller is faulty.
Cutting units will not lower. Fuse(s) is (are) faulty (other electrical components
most likely affected as well).
Lower switch in joystick assembly is faulty.
Lower switch circuit wiring is faulty.
Lift control manifold solenoid valve coil(s) (S1, S2, S3
and/or S4) or circuit wiring is faulty.
A hydraulic problem exists (see Chapter 5 − Hydraulic
System in this manual).
The TEC Controller is faulty.