The Sequence Editor
AWG610 Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual
Figure 3–27 shows the standard 9-pin, D type EVENT IN connector that accepts
TTL-level signals (0.0 V to 5.0 V (DC + Peak AC)). The external event input
connector lines are pulled to a logic high level when nothing is connected to it.
Figure 3-27: EVENT IN connector
You can define two types of conditional jumps: a Logic Jump and a Table Jump.
You can also specify whether the jump occurs synchronously or asynchronously,
and whether to use an external strobe signal to sample the event values. These
features are discussed in the following text.
Logic Jump. The Logic Jump lets you specify the signal values on all four
EVENT IN lines for a single event that triggers the jump. You can specify high,
low, or don’t care values for each line.
Do the following steps to enter a logic jump line number:
1. Move the cursor to the line in which to set the Jump Logic value.
2. Move the cursor to Logic Jump column.
3. Push Jump Mode (bottom)!Logic (side) to select Logic.
The Logic Jump graphic is highlighted.
4. Push Data Entry (bottom)!Jump to Next (side) to specify a jump to the
next line when the event conditions are true.
5. Push Data Entry (bottom)!Jump Off (side) to clear the Jump Logic table
cell. Note that the currently edited line is set as a jump destination in this
6. Push Data Entry (bottom)!Jump to Specified Line (side) and Jump To
to indicate a jump to a specified line when the event conditions are true.
Use the general purpose knob, front-panel keypad, or keyboard numeric keys
to enter a line number.
7. Push Jump Mode. The instrument displays the Jump Mode screen.
The Logic jump mode is still selected.