Tektronix AWG610 Portable Generator User Manual

AWG610 Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual
The Sequence Editor
The Sequence editor is used to create a sequence file. A sequence file is simply a
list of waveform file names that the instrument will output. Additional parame-
ters like repeat count, event triggering, and conditional jumps allow you to
generate very large and complex output waveforms. You can also specify another
sequence file as an output file. This section describes the features of the
Sequence editor. Tutorial 6: Creating and Running Waveform Sequences on page
2–69 provides detailed instructions for creating sequence files.
Starting the Sequence Editor
To start the Sequence editor, push EDIT (front)!Edit (bottom)!New
Sequence (side). You can also automatically start the Sequence editor by loading
a .seq file from the EDIT menu file list. Figure 3–26 shows the Sequence editor
screen with an example sequence list. Table 3–33 describes each column of the
sequence table, with more information and procedures on page 3–115. Table
3–34 describes the bottom menu functions. The sections that follow Table 3–34
describe the menu operations in detail.
File name
Sequence table
Knob icon
Figure 3-26: Sequence editor initial screen