Waveform Memory Commands
Waveform Memory Commands
The Waveform Memory Subsystem commands allow you to save and display waveforms,
memories, and functions. In Waveform Memory commands, the <N> in WMEMory<N> repre-
sents the waveform memory number (1-4).
Command :WMEMory<N>:DISPlay {{ON|1}|{OFF|0}}
This command enables or disables the viewing of the selected waveform memory. <N> is the
memory number is an integer from 1 to 4.
NOTE This command operates on waveform data which is not compatible with Jitter Mode. Do not use this command
in Jitter Mode. It generates a “Settings conflict” error.
Query :WMEMory<N>:DISPlay?
The query returns the state of the selected waveform memory.
Returned Format [:WMEMory<N>:DISPlay] {1 | 0}<NL>
Command :WMEMory<N>:LOAD <file_name>
This command loads an analyzer waveform memory location with a waveform from a file
which has an internal waveform format (extension .wfm) or a verbose/yvalues waveform for-
mat (extension .txt). You can load the file either from the D:\ drive (C drive on 86100A/B
instruments) or A:\ drive. See the examples below. The scope assumes the default path for
waveforms is D:\User Files\Waveforms. To use a different path, please specify the path and
file name completely. <N> is the memory number is an integer from 1 to 4. <file_name> spec-
ifies the file to load, and has either a .wfm or .txt extension.
NOTE This command operates on waveform data which is not compatible with Jitter Mode. Do not use this command
in Jitter Mode. It generates a “Settings conflict” error.
Examples This example loads waveform memory 4 with a file that has the internal waveform format.
10 OUTPUT 707;":WMEMORY4:LOAD ""D:\User Files\Waveforms\waveform.wfm"""
This example loads waveform memory 3 with a file on the floppy drive that has the internal
waveform format.
10 OUTPUT 707;":WMEMORY3:LOAD ""a:\waveform.wfm"""
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