Agilent Technologies 86100-90086 Sprinkler User Manual

Trigger Commands
Command TRIGger:PLOCk {{ON | 1} | {OFF | 0}}
This command enables or disables pattern lock. When pattern lock is turned on, the 86100C
internally generates a trigger synchronous with the user's pattern. Pattern lock is only avail-
able on an 86100C mainframe with Option 001 installed.
Restrictions Software revision A.04.00 and above (86100C instruments).
Query TRIGger:PLOCk?
Returned Format [:TRIGger:PLOCk] {1 | 0}<NL>
Example 10 OUTPUT 707; ":TRIGger:PLOCk ON"
Command :TRIGger:PLOCk:AUTodetect
This command executes autodetecting of pattern lock parameters.
Restrictions Software revision A.04.00 and above (86100C instruments)
Query :TRIGger:PLOCk:AUTodetect?
Returns a string explaining the results of the last autodetect. The string is empty if the last
autodetect completed successfully. The returned string stays the same until the next autode-
tect is executed.
Returned Format The following are examples of strings returned by this query. (The blank spaces are filled in
with the appropriate numeric values.)
Detected trigger rate ___ is less than the minimum trigger rate of ___
Unable to determine the pattern length
Unable to determine the bit rate and trigger divide ratio
User supplied data rate ___ is not a multiple of detected trigger rate ___
Example 10 OUTPUT 707; ":TRIGger:PLOCk:AUTodetect"
Command :TRIGger:RBIT <relative_bit>
This command sets the relative bit number used by pattern lock trigger mode.
<relative_bit> <relative_bit> is an integer with a minimum value of 0 and a maximum value equal to the cur-
rent pattern length setting minus one.
Restrictions Software revision A.04.00 and above (86100C instruments)
Query :TRIGger:RBIT?
This query returns the current setting of relative bit.
Returned Format [:TRIGger:RBIT] <relative_bit><NL>
Example 10 OUTPUT 707; ":TRIGger:RBIT 1023"