Agilent Technologies 86100-90086 Sprinkler User Manual

Measure Commands
Sets the default source for color grade-gray scale measurements. If this source is not set, the
lowest numbered color grade-gray scale signal that is on will be the source of the measure-
ments. This command is similar to the :MEASure:SOURce command, with the exception of
specifying a color grade-gray scale signal. <source> is {CHANnel<N> | FUNCtion<N> |
CGMemory}. <N> is an integer, from 1 through 4.
Mode Eye and Oscilloscope modes.
Query :MEASure:SOURce?
The query returns the current source selection.
Returned Format [:MEASure:CGRade:SOURce] <source><NL>
Example 10 OUTPUT 707;":MEASure:CGRade:SOURce CHANNEL1"
Command :MEASure:CGRade:ZLEvel [<source>]
Measures logic zero level inside the eye window on the eye diagram of the current color grade
display. If the source is not set, the lowest numbered signal display that is on will be the
source of the measurement. <source> is {CHANnel<N> | FUNCtion<N> | CGMemory}.
Mode Eye mode only.
Query :MEASure:CGRade:ZLEVel? [<source>]
The query returns the logic zero level of the color grade display.
Returned Format [:MEASure:CGRade:ZLEVel] <value>[,<result_state>]<NL>
<value> is the logic zero level. If SENDvalid is ON, the <result_state> is returned with the
measurement result. Refer to Table 18-3 on page 18-30 for a list of the result states.
20 OUTPUT 707;”:MEASure:CGRade:ZLEVel?”
Command :MEASure:CLEar
Clears the measurement results from the screen. It is identical to the :MEASure:SCRatch
Example 10 OUTPUT 707;”:MEASure:CLEAR”
Command :MEASure:DEFine {THResholds,TOPBase,EWINdow,CGRade,DELTatime}
Sets up the definition for measurements by specifying delta time, threshold, or top-base argu-
ments. Expanded definitions of these arguments are documented in the following para-
graphs. Changing these values may affect other measure commands. Table 18-1 on
page 18-12 identifies the relationships between user-DEFined values and other MEASure
:MEASure:DEFine THResholds,{{STANdard} | {PERCent,<upper_pct>,<middle_pct>,<lower_pct>} |