Limit Test Commands
Command :LTESt:SWAVeform:RESet
This command sets the save destination for all waveforms to OFF. Setting a source to OFF
removes any waveform save action from that source. This is a convenient way to turn off all
saved waveforms if it is unknown which are being saved.
Example 10 OUTPUT 707;”:LTEST:SWAVeform:RESet”
Command :LTESt:TEST {ON | 1 | OFF | 0}
This command controls the execution of the limit test function. ON allows the limit test to
run over all of the active measurements. When the limit test is turned on, the limit test results
are displayed on screen in a window below the graticule. The results of the MEAS:RESults?
query have three extra fields when LimitTESt:TEST is ON (failures, total, status). Failures is
a number, total is a number, and status is one of the following values:
1 failed high
2 failed low
3 failed inside
4 other failures
Query :LTESt:TEST?
The query returns the state of the TEST control.
Returned Format [:LTESt:TEST] {1 | 0} <NL>
Example 10 OUTPUT 707;”:LTEST:TEST OFF”
Command :LTESt:ULIMit <upper_value>
This command sets the upper test limit for the active measurement currently selected by the
last :LTESt:SOURce command. <upper_value> is a real number.
Example The following example sets the upper limit of the currently selected measurement to 500 mV.
10 OUTPUT 707;”:LTEST:ULIMIT 500E-3”
Suppose you are measuring the maximum voltage of a signal with Vmax, and that voltage
should not exceed 500 mV. You can use the above program and set the LTESt:FAIL OUTSide
command to specify that the limit subsystem will fail a measurement when the voltage
exceeds 500 mV.
Query :LTESt:ULIMit?
The query returns the current upper limit of the limit test.
Returned Format [:LTESt:ULIMit] <upper_value><NL>
Example The following example returns the current upper limit of the limit test.
10 DIM ULIM$[50]