Disk Commands
Command :DISK:SIMage "<filename>"[,<area> [,<image>]]
This command remotely captures images of the active window on the instrument’s display.
On 86100C instruments, if the 86100 application has been minimized, an image of the desk-
top or another application will be captured. Also, when capturing images from an 86100C,
first deactivate the Windows XP screen saver. Otherwise, if the screen saver is active, the
captured image may be solid black.
NOTE This command will not save files on USB removable drives. You can, however, save files on a USB drive using
the front-panel controls. This command operates only on files and directories on “D:\User Files” (C: on 86100A/
B) or on any external drive or mapped network drive.
<filename> The filename field includes the folder (and path) in which to save the file, as well as the file
name. The following table shows a list of valid file names. If a filename is specified without a
path (for example,
D:test.bmp), the file will be saved to the default path, which is the fol-
lowing folder:
D:\User Files\screen images.
The following graphics formats are available by specifying a file extension: PCX files (.pcx),
EPS files (.eps), Postscript files (.ps), JPEG files (.jpg), TIFF files (.tif), and GIF files (.gif).
The default file type is a bitmap (.bmp).
NOTE For .gif and .tif file formats, this instrument uses LZW compression/decompression licensed under U.S. patent
No 4,558,302 and foreign counterparts. End user should not modify, copy, or distribute LZW compression/
decompression capability. For .jpg file format, this instrument uses the .jpg software written by the Independent
JPEG Group.
<area> {SCReen | GRATicule}
This parameter selects which data from the screen is to be saved to disk. When you select
GRATicule, only the graticule area of the display screen is saved; the entire screen is saved if
you select SCReen. The default setting is SCReen.
<image> {NORMal | INVert | MONochrome}
Valid Filenames
File Name File Saved in Directory...
“Test1.gif” D:\User Files\Screen Images\
“A:test2.pcx” A:\
“.\screen2.jpg” File saved in the present working directory, set
with the command :DISK:CDIR.
“\\computer-ID\d$\test3.bmp” File saved in drive D: of computer “computer-ID”,
provided all permissions are set properly.
“E:test4.eps” File saved in the instrument’s drive E:, that could
be mapped to any disk in the network.