Measure Commands
Command :MEASure:CGRade:ERFactor CHANnel<N>,{ON|OFF}[,<correction_factor>]
Turns on or off the extinction ratio correction and, optionally, to set the correction factor
used when correction is turned on. <N> specifies a channel, where <N> is 1, 2, 3 or 4. Each
channel has its own setting for on or off and for correction factor. <correction_factor> is a
percentage value that is used to offset the measured extinction ratio value. Correction factor
is always specified as a percentage, regardless of the format or units specified for extinction
ratio measurement results.
Mode Eye mode only.
Restrictions Software revision A.04.00 and above (86100C instruments)
Query :MEASure:CGRade:ERFactor? CHANnel<N>
This query returns the extinction ratio correction settings for the specified channel. A correc-
tion factor value is returned regardless of whether correction is on or off.
Returned Format [:MEASure:CGRade:ERFactor] {ON|OFF}<NL>
Example 10 OUTPUT 707; ":MEASure:CGRade:ERFactor CHANnel4,ON,80"
Command :MEASure:CGRade:ESN [{CHANnel<N> | FUNCtion<N> | CGMemory}]
Measures the eye signal-to-noise. The data for color grade display is the same as for gray
scale display. If the source is not set, the lowest numbered signal display that is on will be the
source of the measurement. This measurement was called Q-factor in the 83480A/54750A.
Mode Eye mode only.
Query :MEASure:CGRade:ESN? [{CHANnel<N> | FUNCtion<N> | CGMemory}]
The query returns the eye signal-to-noise of the color grade display.
Returned Format [:MEASure:CGRade:ESN] <value>[,<result_state>]<NL>
<value> is the eye signal-to-noise value. If SENDvalid is ON, the <result_state> is returned
with the measurement result. Refer to Table 18-3 on page 18-30 for a list of the result states.
Command :MEASure:CGRade:EWIDth <format> [,{CHANnel<N> | FUNCtion<N> | CGMemory}]
Measures the eye width on the eye diagram of the current color grade display. The data for
color grade display is the same as for gray scale display. If the source is not set, the lowest
numbered signal display that is on will be the source of the measurement. <format> is {RATio
| TIME}. The default format is TIME.
Mode Eye mode only.
Query :MEASure:CGRade:EWIDth? <format> [,{CHANnel<N> | FUNCtion<N> | CGMemory}]
The query returns the eye width of the color grade display.