Measure Commands
Measures the width of the first positive pulse on the screen using the mid-threshold levels of
the waveform (50% levels with standard measurements selected). The source is specified
with the MEASure:SOURce command or with the optional parameter following the PWIDth
command. The algorithm is:
If the first edge on screen is rising, then
pwidth = time at the first falling edge – time at the first rising edge
pwidth = time at the second falling edge – time at the first rising edge
Mode Oscilloscope mode only
<source> {CHANnel<N> | FUNCtion<N> | WMEMory<N>}
<N> For channels: Value is dependent on the type of plug-in and its location in the instrument.
For functions: 1 or 2. For waveform memories (WMEMORY): 1, 2, 3, or 4.
Query :MEASure:PWIDth? [<source>]
The query returns the measured width of the first positive pulse of the specified source.
Returned Format [:MEASure:PWIDth] <value>[,<result_state>]<NL>
<value> is the width of the first positive pulse on the screen in seconds. If SENDvalid is ON,
the <result_state> is returned with the measurement result. Refer to Table 18-3 on
page 18-30 for a list of the result states.
Query :MEASure:RESults?
Returns the results of the continuous measurements. The measurement results always
include only the current results. If SENDvalid is ON, the measurement results state is
returned immediately following the measurement result. Except in Jitter Mode, the measure-
ment results include the current, minimum, maximum, mean, standard deviation, and statis-
tical sample size of each measurement. If more than one measurement is running
continuously, the values shown in Table 18-3 on page 18-30 will be duplicated for each con-
tinuous measurement from the first to last (top to bottom) of display. There may be up to
four continuous measurements at a time.
In Jitter Mode, the current result for up to four selected jitter measurements are returned. In
addition, if limit testing is turned on, limit failures, limit total tests, and limit status values are
NOTE In some cases, remote results on statistical measurements may display incorrect ASCII mapping, such as a ç
symbol in lieu of the Σ (sigma) symbol.
Returned Format [:MEASure:RESults] <result list><NL>