Disk Commands
Loads a pattern waveform file into color gray-scale memory. If the pattern waveform file con-
tains data from several sources, only the data from one of the sources can be loaded from the
file. Use the CHANnel or FUNCtion arguments to select the source data to load into memory.
Source data from CHANnel1 is selected by default.
If you plan on loading a saved pattern waveform back into the instrument, be sure to also save
the instrument setup. You will need to load (restore) the instrument settings at the same
time that you load the associated pattern waveform.
Restrictions Software revision 4.10 and above on an 86100C. Option 201, Advanced Waveform Analysis
Software installed.
Command :DISK:PWAVeform:PPBit <number_points>
Sets or queries the number of samples per bit in a pattern waveform. <number_points> can
be an integer from 16 to through 4095. Turn the instrument’s pattern lock on before sending
this command.
Query :DISK:PWAVeform:PPBit?
Returned Format [:DISK:PWAVeform:PPBit] <number_points><NL>
Example 10 OUTPUT 707;":DISK:PWAVEFORM:PPBIT 4095"
Restrictions Software revision 4.10 and above on an 86100C. Option 201, Advanced Waveform Analysis
Software installed.
Command :DISK:PWAVeform:RANGe {EPATtern | SRANge}
Sets or queries the range setting for saving pattern waveforms when the DISK:PWAVe-
form:SAVE command. EPATtern saves the entire pattern waveform. SRANge specifies that a
range of bits to save. Set the start and stop bits of the range using the DISK:PWAVe-
form:RANGe:STARt and DISK:PWAVeform:RANGe:STOP commands. Turn the instrument’s pat-
tern lock on before sending this command.
Query :DISK:PWAVeform:RANGe?
Returned Format [:DISK:PWAVeform:RANGe] {EPATtern | SRANge}<NL>
Example 10 OUTPUT 707;":DISK:PWAVeform:RANGe EPATtern"
Restrictions Software revision 4.10 and above on an 86100C. Option 201, Advanced Waveform Analysis
Software installed.
Command :DISK:PWAVeform:RANGe:STARt <bit_number>
Sets or queries the start bit setting for saving a range of pattern waveform bits using the
DISK:PWAVeform:SAVE command. <bit_number> is an integer. You must first specify that a
range of the pattern will be saved by using the DISK:PWAVeform:RANGe command.
Query :DISK:PWAVeform:RANGe:STARt?