Reelmaster 2300–D/2600–D Hydraulic SystemPage 4 – 21
Procedure for Traction Pump Flow
1. Make sure hydraulic oil is at normal operating tem-
perature by operating the machine for approximately 10
2. Make sure machine is parked on a level surface with
the cutting units lowered and off. Make sure engine is
3. Make sure the hydraulic tank is full.
4. Make sure that traction pedal is adjusted to the neu-
tral position (see Traction Pedal in the Adjustments Sec-
5. Make sure that pump drive belt is adjusted properly.
(see Hydraulic Pump Drive belt in the Adjustments Sec-
6. Block up one front traction wheel off the floor to allow
flow through the traction circuit.
7. Chock remaining wheels to prevent movement of
the machine.
8. Attach a heavy chain to the rear of the machine
frame and something solid in the shop.
9. Make sure parking brake is off.
10. Put 2WD/3WD selector to 2WD so the rear wheel
will not spin.
Operate all hydraulic controls to relieve
system pressure and avoid injury from
pressurized hydraulic oil.
11. Clean hose fitting and disconnect hose from the el-
bow connection on the top of the traction pump.
IMPORTANT: Make sure oil flow indicator arrow on
the flow gauge is showing that the oil will flow from
the motor through the tester and into the hose.
12. Install tester in series with the motor and the discon-
nected hose. Make sure the flow control valve is fully
13. One person should sit on the seat and operate the
machine while another person reads the tester. Start en-
gine and move the throttle to full speed (3200 " 100
Use extreme caution when taking gauge
readings. The front tire on the ground will
be trying to move the machine forward.
14. Slowly push traction pedal into fully forward posi-
15. Close flow control valve until pressure gauges read
1000 PSI. Verify pump speed of 2700 RPM with a photo-
16. Observe flow gauge.
TESTER READING: minimum flow of 13 GPM
17. Release traction pedal and turn off machine.
18. Disconnect tester from elbow connection and hose.
Reconnect hose to elbow connection.
19. If specifications are not met, the traction pump
needs to be repaired or replaced as necessary.