Reelmaster 2300–D/2600–D
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Electrical System
Electrical System Quick Checks
Battery Test (Open Circuit Test)
Use a multimeter to measure the voltage between the
battery terminals.
Set the multimeter to the DC volts setting. The battery
should be at a temperature of 60_ to 100_ F. The ignition
key should be off and all accessories turned off. Connect
the positive (+) meter lead to the positive battery post
and the negative (–) meter lead the the negative battery
NOTE: This test provides a relative condition of the bat-
tery. Load testing of the battery will provide additional
and more accurate information.
Voltage Measured
Battery Charge Level
12.68 V (or higher) Fully charged (100%)
12.45 V 75% charged
12.24 V 50% charged
12.06 V 25% charged
11.89 V 0% charged
Charging System Test
This is a simple test used to determine if a charging sys-
tem is functioning. It will tell you if a charging system has
an output, but not its capacity.
Tool required: Digital multimeter set to DC volts.
Test instructions: Connect the positive (+) meter lead to
the positive battery post, and the negative (–) meter lead
to the negative battery post. Leave the test leads con-
nected and record the battery voltage.
Note: Upon starting the engine, the battery voltage
will drop and then increase once the engine is running.
Note: Depending upon the condition of the battery
charge and battery temperature, the charging system
voltage will increase at different rates as the battery
Start the engine and run at 3200 RPM. Allow the battery
to charge for at least 3 minutes. Record the battery volt-
Test results should be (example):
At least 0.50 volt over initial battery voltage.
Initial Battery Voltage = 12.30v
Battery Voltage after 3 Minute Charge = 12.80v
Difference = +0.50 v
Glow Plug System Test
This is a fast, simple test that can help you determine a
glow plug system’s integrity and operation. The test
should be run anytime hard starting (cold) is encoun-
tered on a diesel engine equipped with a glow plug sys-
Tool(s) required: Digital multimeter and/or AC/DC
current transducer (Hall Effect).
Test instructions: Properly connect the current transduc-
er to the digital multimeter (refer to manufacturer’s
instructions). Set the multimeter on the volts scale. With
the key off (or Glow Switch in the OFF position), place
the current transducer around the main glow plug power
supply wire(s) and read the meter prior to activating
glow plug system. Adjust the transducer to read zero (if
applicable). Cycle the glow plug system at least two
times (per instructions in Operator’s Manual) and record
the final results.
The Reelmaster 2300–D glow plug system should have
a reading of about 21 Amps.