Reelmaster 2300–D/2600–D
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Electrical System
Starting System Test
This is an excellent test to use when a “slow crank/no
start” problem is encountered. It will tell you if the prob-
lem is due to an electrical open, short or high resistance
in the starter circuit.
NOTE: The Battery condition and state of charge must
checked before testing the starter system.
Tool(s) required: Digital multimeter and/or AC/DC
current transducer (Hall Effect).
Test instructions: Properly connect current transducer to
the digital multimeter (refer to manufacturers instruc-
tions). Set the multimeter on volts scale. With the key off,
place the current transducer around the main negative
(–) battery cable and read the meter prior to activating
the starter system. Adjust the transducer to read zero (if
applicable). Crank the engine for at least 3 seconds and
record the results. Typical starter system draw for the
RM 2300–D is about 155 Amps at 65_F.
If current draw is significantly higher than listed, check
for a shorted condition. If current draw is significantly
lower than listed, check for high resistance.