Rev. F
Reelmaster 3100--DHydraulic System (Rev. C)
Page 4 -- 24
Wheel Hub Puller
Toro Part Number: TOR4097
The wheel hub puller allows safe removal of the wheel
hub from the shaft of wheel motors.
Figure 15
High Flow Hydraulic Filter Kit
Toro Part Number: TOR6011
The high flow hydraulic filter kit is designed with large
flow (40 GPM/150 LPM) and high pressure (5000
PSI/345 bar) capabilities. This kit provides for bi--direc-
tional filtration which prevents filtered debris from being
allowed back into the circuit regardless of flow direction.
If a component failure occurs in the closed loop traction
circuit, contamination from the failed part will remain in
the circuit until removed. When connecting hydraulic
test gauges in order to test traction circuit components
or afterreplacing afailed tractioncircuit component (e.g.
hydrostat or wheel motor), the high flow hydraulic filter
can be installed in the traction circuit. The filter will en-
sure that contaminates are removed from the closed
loop and thus, do not cause additional component dam-
NOTE: This kit does not include hydraulic hoses (see
Hydraulic Hose Kit TOR6007 above).
Figure 16
NOTE: Replacement filter element is Toro part number
TOR6012. Filter element cannister tightening torque is
25 ft--lb (34 N--m).
Hydraulic Hose Kit
Toro Part Number: TOR6007
This kit includes hydraulic fittings and hoses needed to
connect high flow hydraulic filter kit (TOR6011) to ma-
chine hydraulic traction system components.
Figure 17