Reelmaster 3100−D Page 7 − 5 Cutting Units
There are a number of factors that can contribute to un-
satisfactory quality of cut, some of which may be turf
conditions. Turf conditions such as excessive thatch,
“sponginess” or attempting to cut off too much grass
height may not always be overcome by adjusting the
machine. It is important to remember that the lower the
height of cut, the more critical these factors are.
Remember that the “effective” or actual height of cut de-
pends on cutting unit weight and turf conditions. Effec-
tive height of cut will be different than the bench set
height of cut.
Factors That Can Affect Quality of Cut
Factor Possible Problem/Correction
1. Engine maximum governed speed. Check maximum governed engine speed. Adjust
speed to specifications if necessary. If engine is not
running at specified maximum governed RPM, reel
speed settings may not match ground speed.
2. Reel speed and ground speed. Adjust reel speed to setting shown on REEL SPEED
SETTINGS graph for the number of reel blades (5 or 8)
and the desired ground speed (see Operator’s
All reels should rotate at the same speed. All cutting
units should have equal bedknife to reel contact. If
checking RPM, do not run reel too long without cutting
grass, or bedknife and/or reel may overheat and “rifle”.
See other items in Troubleshooting section of Chapter
4 − Hydraulic System.
3. Tire pressure. Check each tire’s pressure. Adjust to pressures
specified in Specifications section of Chapter 6 −
Wheels and Brakes.
4. Reel bearing condition. All reels should rotate freely. Make sure bearings are
properly lubricated. Replace bearings if worn or
5. Reel and bedknife sharpness. Reel and/or bedknife that has rounded cutting edges or
“rifling” cannot be corrected by tightening bedknife to
reel contact. Grind reel to remove taper and/or rifling
(grooved or wavy appearance). Grind bedknife to
sharpen and/or remove rifling. (Most common cause of
rifling is bedknife to reel contact that is too tight.)
NOTE: New bedknife must be ground or backlapped
after installing on bedbar.
Cutting Units