Reelmaster 3100−D Hydraulic System (Rev. C)
Page 4 − 111
Disassembly (Fig. 76)
1. Plug pump ports and clean the outside of the pump
thoroughly. After cleaning, remove plugs and drain any
oil out of the pump.
2. Make sure key is removed from the shaft of the drive
3. Use a marker to make a diagonal line across the
front plate, front body, adapter plate, rear body, and back
plate for assembly purposes (Fig. 77).
IMPORTANT: Avoid using excessive clamping
pressure on the pump housing to prevent distorting
the housing.
4. Clamp pump in a vise with the the shaft end up.
5. Remove cap screws and washers from the front
6. Remove pump from the vise. Turn pump so that the
shaft end is facing down.
7. Remove back plate from the rear body by tapping
with a soft face hammer. Remove and discard O−ring
from the back plate.
8. Loosen rear body from the adapter plate by tapping
with a soft face hammer. Lift body straight up to remove.
9. Remove idler gear from the wear and adapter plates.
Remove drive gear from the drive gear shaft.
IMPORTANT: Note position of the open and closed
side of the wear plate before removing from the
adapter plate.
10.Remove wear plate and O−ring from the adapter
11.Remove key from the drive gear shaft using a pencil
12.Remove O−ring from the adapter plate using an O−
ring pick.
13.Loosen adapter plate from the from the front body
using a soft face hammer. Remove plate from the body.
Turn plate over and remove O−ring using an O−ring
14.Remove front pump body from the front plate.
15.Remove idler gear and drive gear from the front
IMPORTANT: Note position of the open and closed
side of the wear plate before removing from the
front plate.
Figure 77
16.Remove wear plate from front plate. Remove O−ring
from front plate using O−ring pick.
17.Remove back−up gasket and pressure seal from
both wear plates.
IMPORTANT: Make sure not to damage the counter
bore when removing the shaft seal from the front
18.Remove shaft seal from the front plate using a drift
IMPORTANT: Do not remove the plug from the front
plate unless rotation of the pump is changed.
Inspection (Fig. 76)
1. Remove all nicks and burrs from all parts with an
emery cloth.
Use eye protection such as goggles when using
compressed air.
2. Clean all parts with solvent. Dry all parts with com-
pressed air.
3. Inspect gear, drive gear, and idler gears for the fol-
A. Drive gear shaft spline should be free of twisted or
broken teeth.
B. Gear shafts should be free of rough surfaces and
excessive wear at bushing points and sealing areas.
C. Gear shaft diameter in the bushing area should
not be less than 0.748 inch (19.0 mm).