
90 Start Menu Program Options
HX2 Reference Guide E-EQ-HX2RG-B
Access: | Programs | Transcriber
Select Transcriber on the Start | Programs menu or tap the Input Panel icon in the toolbar and tap
Transcriber. When active, a “hand with a pen” icon is displayed in the taskbar. Make changes to
the Transcriber application, enable or disable the current Transcriber session by tapping the “hand
with a pen” icon in the toolbar. When Transcriber is enabled, all touchscreen activity is
captured/read by the Transcriber program.
Tap the ? button or the Help button to access Transcriber Help.
Windows Explorer
Access: | Programs | Windows Explorer
There are a few changes in the CE version of Windows Explorer as it relates to the general
desktop PC Windows Explorer options. Tap the ? button to access Windows Explorer Help.
Access: | Settings | Taskbar …
The Taskbar can be used to determine how the taskbar appears on the display. Use the Advanced
tab to clear the contents of the Documents menu.
Factory Default Settings
Always on Top Enabled
Auto hide Disabled
Show Clock Enabled
Expand Control Panel Disabled
There are a few changes in the CE version of Taskbar as it relates to the general desktop PC
Windows Taskbar options.
Figure 3-2 Taskbar General Tab