72 Control Panel Options
MX3-RFID Reference Guide E-EQ-MX3RFIDRG-A
Access: Start | Settings | Control Panel | Date/Time Icon
Set Date, Time, Time Zone, and Daylight Savings after cold boot or at anytime.
Factory Default Settings
Current Time Midnight
Time Zone GMT-05:00
Daylight Savings Disabled
Note: Date and time is reset to the default value each time the mobile device is rebooted.
Figure 3-4 Date/Time Properties
There is no change from general desktop PC Date/Time Properties options. Adjust the settings and
tap the OK box or the Apply button to save the changes. The changes take effect immediately.
Double-tapping the time displayed in the Taskbar causes this display to appear.
Sync requires Internet connection. When an Internet connection is available, tap the Sync button
to synchronize the mobile device operating system time with an Internet time server.
The MX3-RFID includes a GrabTime utility which can be configured to synchronize the time at
each boot up. Please see “Enabling GrabTime”, in the “Utilities” section, for details.
Access: Start | Settings | Control Panel | Dialing
The local area code is:
The local country code is:
Dial using:
Disable call waiting by dialing:
When dialing from:
New ...
Local settings are:
Dialing Patterns ...
Ton e
Dialing Properties
Figure 3-5 Dialing
Set dialup properties for internal modems (modems are not supplied/supported by LXE). Tap the
“?” and follow the instructions in Help.