86 Control Panel Options
MX3-RFID Reference Guide E-EQ-MX3RFIDRG-A
Reader Output
Preamble A preamble is a lead-in character for tags transmitted to the host device. The
lead-in characters are considered part of the tag.
The Preamble field will accept up to 5 characters that can be specified by a
combination of 7-bit ACSII characters and “hat” encoded characters.
Postamble A postamble is a follow-on character for tags transmitted to the host device.
The follow-on characters are considered part of the tag.
The Postamble field will accept up to 5 characters that can be specified by a
combination of 7-bit ACSII characters and “hat” encoded characters.
TAG data
Use data separators to add spacing between read tags. Up to 2 characters that
can be specified by a combination of 7-bit ACSII characters and “hat”
encoded characters.
For example, ^M^J places a carriage return (^M) and line feed (^J) after each
tag is successfully read.
When the maximum number of characters is exceeded, the mobile device beeps and will not allow
more characters to be entered. However, “hat” encoded characters count as a single character in
determining the number of characters entered into the field. Tap OK to save the change or X to
ignore the change and return to the Control Panel.
See Also: “Hat Encoding”.