
Installed Software 59
E-EQ-MX3RFIDRG-A MX3-RFID Reference Guide
JAVA (Option)
Installed by LXE. Files can be accessed by tapping Start | Programs | JEM-CE. Doubletap the
EVM icon to open the EVM Console. A folder of JAVA examples and Plug-ins is also installed
with the JAVA option. LXE does not support all JAVA applications running on the mobile device.
LXE RFTerm (Option)
Installed by LXE. The application can be accessed by tapping Start | Programs | RFTerm. Please
refer to “Terminal Emulation Setup” earlier in this guide for RFTerm quick start instruction. Refer
to the “RFTerm Reference Guide” on the LXE Manuals CD for complete information and
WaveLink Avalanche (Option)
Installed by LXE. Enabler files are installed upon initial bootup and after a hard reset. The
designation of the mobile device to the Avalanche CE Manager is LXE_MX3. Not available in
this release.