ActiveSync 27
E-EQ-MX3RFIDRG-A MX3-RFID Reference Guide
Connect and Communicate
Connect the correct** cable to the PC (the host) and the mobile device (the client). Select
“Connect” from the Start Menu on the client (Start | Programs | Communications | Connect).
Note: Run “Connect” when the “Get Connected” wizard on the host PC is checking COM
ports to establish a connection for the first time.
Note: USB will start automatically when the USB cable is connected, not requiring you to
select “Connect” from the start menu.
** Cable for initial ActiveSync Configuration:
USB Client to PC/Laptop USB-Client cable MX3XA069CBLD9USBCLNT
From the ActiveSync Dialog on the Desktop PC, tap the Explore button, which allows you to
explore the mobile device from the PC side, with some limitations. You can copy files to or from
the mobile device by drag-and-drop. You will not be allowed to delete files or copy files out of the
\Windows folder on the mobile device. (Technically, the only files you cannot delete or copy are
ones marked as system files in the original build of the Windows CE .NET image. This, however,
includes most of the files in the \Windows folder).
Copy the MX3-RFID LXEbook to the Mobile Device (Optional)
Note: The LXEbook user guides do not contain the illustrations and regulatory information
contained in the full user guides on the LXE Manuals CD and on the LXE ServicePass
website. See the full format User Guide”MX3-RFID User’s Guide” on LXE Manuals CD.
Mobile Device Required Adobe Acrobat Reader Version
MX3-RFID Windows CE. NET PDF Viewer (pre-installed by LXE).
First, using your desktop computer download “LXEbook – MX3-RFID Users Guide” from the
LXE Manuals CD to your desktop computer.
Next, connect the mobile device to your desktop computer and run ActiveSync.
When the mobile device and the desktop ActiveSync applications are synchronized, click Explore
on the ActiveSync menu on your desktop to display the contents of the mobile device folders.
Then, open the folder on your desktop computer containing the downloaded LXEbook User’s
Guide. Click and drag the LXEbook User Guide to the My Documents folder on the mobile
When the file copy process is finished, disconnect the mobile device from the synchronization
equipment and close ActiveSync.
To view the LXEbook on the mobile device, select Start / Programs / Adobe Reader / File / Open.
Locate the LXEbook on the mobile device and “open” the file.
See Also: “Install LXEbooks” on the LXE Manuals CD.