
The Passive Vehicle Cradle 33
E-EQ-MX3RFIDRG-A MX3-RFID Reference Guide
RAM Mount Assembly
Not To Scale
Figure 1-19 RAM Assembly Footprint
Note: LXE does not supply the bolts or washers needed when mounting the RAM ball to the
vehicle chassis. LXE recommends using bolts with a maximum 10/32” (0.3125) diameter.
1. Attach the RAM ball to the vehicle, making sure it does not impede safe operation of
the vehicle.
2. If necessary, fasten the upper RAM ball assembly to the base of the passive cradle
using the supplied bolts, washers and screws.
3. Loosen the turnscrew on the RAM arm, place the lower socket over the vehicle
mounted RAM ball, then the other arm socket over the RAM ball mounted to the
4. Tighten the arm turnscrew until the cradle is secured to the RAM arm and the vehicle.
5. The MX3-RFID passive vehicle mounted cradle is ready for use.