Chapter 3, GPIB Command Guidelines
Guidelines for Operation
Attribute Units (AUNits)
Attribute Units are the units-of-measure used by the Test Set when sending or
receiving numeric data through GPIB for the MEASure commands: REFerence,
METer (HEND, LEND, INT), HLIMit and LLIMit (refer to
Measurement Syntax” on page 177
for further details). These measurement
commands are analogous to the front-panel Data Function keys: REF SET,
METER, HI LIMIT and LO LIMIT respectively. Attribute Units use the same set
of units-of-measure as the GPIB Units (except Frequency Error), but are only
used with the MEASure commands: REFerence, METer (HEND, LEND, INT),
HLIMit and LLIMit.
Table 11 lists the Attribute Units used in the Test Set.
Default Data Function Values. The majority of measurements made with the Test
Set can be made using the Data Functions: REF SET, METER, AVG, HI LIMIT
and LO LIMIT. Measurements which can be made using the Data Functions have
a black bubble with the comment “See Number Measurement Syntax” in their
syntax path. If one or more of the Data Functions are not available to that
measurement, the Data Function(s) not available will be listed under the black
bubble (see the syntax diagram,
“Measure” on page 147).
Table 11 Attribute Units
Parameter Unit of Measure
Power Watts (W) or dBm (DBM)
Amplitude Volts (V)
Frequency Hertz (Hz)
Time Seconds (S)
Data Rate Bits per second (BPS)
Current Amperes (A)
Resistance Ohms (OHM)
Relative Level decibels (DB) or percent (PCT)
Marker Position Division (DIV)
FM Modulation Hertz (HZ)
AM Modulation Percent (PCT)