Chapter 5, Advanced Operations
Passing Control
Passing Control Back to Another Controller
The Test Set has two methods of passing control back to another controller:
1) automatically and 2) using the IBASIC PASS CONTROL command from an
IBASIC program. The two methods are described in the following sections.
Passing Control Back Automatically
The Test Set will automatically pass control back to the controller whose address
was specified in the *PCB Common Command or to a default address of 0
(decimal) if no *PCB command was received. Control will automatically be
passed under the following conditions:
Test Set is the Active Controller and an IBASIC Program is Running
• The IBASIC program running in the Test Set is PAUSED.
• The IBASIC program running in the Test Set finishes executing.
• An IBASIC RESET occurs while the IBASIC program is running.
• Control is passed back immediately if the System Controller executes a bus reset (IFC).
Test Set is the Active Controller and no IBASIC Program is Running
• Control will be passed back within 10 seconds of receiving bus control if no controller
commands are executed (such as printing a screen image to an GPIB printer or saving/
recalling an instrument configuration from an GPIB disk drive).
• Control is passed back immediately if the System Controller executes a bus reset (IFC).
• Control is passed back at the completion of a controller command (such as printing a
screen image to an GPIB printer or saving/recalling an instrument configuration from
an GPIB disk drive).
Passing Control Back Using IBASIC PASS CONTROL Command
The Test Set will pass control back to another Controller when the IBASIC PASS
CONTROL command is issued while an IBASIC program is running on the built-
in IBASIC Controller. Refer to the HP Instrument BASIC User’s Handbook for a
complete description of the IBASIC PASS CONTROL command.