1304 Origination attempted while not in Active state.
Indicates that a mobile station attempted to originate a call to the simulated Base Station
when the Call Processing Subsystem was not in the Active state.
1305 Registration attempted while not in Active state.
Indicates that an attempt was made to send a Registration message to a mobile station
when the Call Processing Subsystem was not in the Active state.
1306 Origination in progress.
Indicates that an attempt was made to; register, page, handoff, release, order a change in
power level, put the mobile station in maintenance mode, or send an alert message to the
mobile station while an origination was in progress.
1307 Timeout occurred while attempting to register Mobile.
Indicates that the simulated Base Station’s internal timer expired before receiving a
response from the mobile station during a registration attempt. The internal timer is set to
20 seconds when the Register state is entered.
1308 Timeout occurred while attempting to page Mobile.
Indicates that the simulated Base Station’s internal timer expired before receiving a
response from the mobile station during a page attempt. The internal timer is set to 20
seconds when the Page state is entered.
1309 Timeout occurred while attempting to access Mobile.
Indicates that the simulated Base Station’s internal timer expired before receiving a
response from the mobile station during an access attempt. The internal timer is set to 20
seconds when the Access state is entered.
Error −1310 Timeout occurred while attempting to alert Mobile.
Indicates that the simulated Base Station’s internal timer expired before receiving a
response from the mobile station during an alert attempt. The internal timer is set to 20
seconds when the alert order is sent to the mobile station.