Chapter 5, Advanced Operations
Status Reporting
Reading the Enable Register
OUTPUT 714;"*ESE?"
ENTER 714;Register_value
The *ESE? query allows the programmer to determine the current contents (bit
pattern) of the Standard Event Status Enable Register. The Test Set responds to the
*ESE? query by placing the binary-weighted decimal value of the Standard Event
Status Enable Register bit pattern into the Output Queue. The decimal value of the
bit pattern will be a positive integer in the range of 0 to 255. The response data is
obtained by reading the Output Queue into a numeric variable, integer or real.
Example BASIC program
10 INTEGER Std_evn_enab_rg
20 OUTPUT 714;"ESE?"
30 ENTER 714;Std_evn_enab_rg
40 PRINT Std_evn_enab_rg
50 END
Example response