Rev. E
Groundsmaster 4000−DPage 5 − 22Electrical System
Temperature Sender
The temperature sender is located near the alternator
on the water flange attached to the engine cylinder head
(Fig. 31). There is a gray wire attached to the terminal
of the switch.
1. Lower coolant level in the engine and remove the
temperature sender from water flange.
2. Put switch in a container of oil with a thermometer
and slowly heat the oil (Fig. 32).
Handle the hot oil with extreme care to prevent
personal injury or fire.
NOTE: Prior to taking resistance readings with a digital
multi meter, short the meter test leads together. The me-
ter will display a small resistance value (usually 0.5
ohms or less). This resistance is due to the internal re-
sistance of the meter and test leads. Subtract this value
from from the measured value of the component you are
3. Check resistance of the sender with a multimeter
(ohms setting) as the temperature increases.
A. The meter should indicate from 54 to 78 ohms at
F (93.3
B. Replace sender if specification is not met.
4. Install sender to the water flange.
A. Clean threads of water flange and sender thor-
oughly. Apply thread sealant to the threads of the
B. Screw sender into the water flange and tighten.
C. Reconnect gray wire to sender. Apply skin−over
grease (Toro Part No. 505−165) to sender terminal.
5. Fill engine cooling system (see Operator’s Manual).
Figure 31
1. Temperature sender 2. Alternator
Figure 32