U23841-J-Z915-6-76 43
Producing Output with Xprint V7.0 Using other Xprint V7.0 objects
2. printer2
3. printer3
Type number or”?” for help:
Input: 1
Device”printer1" has been selected.
Please mount”A5LAND" on device”printer1".
Type "y" when finished or"?" for help:
Input: y
Form"A5LAND" is now mounted on device"printer1".
The printer now starts printing the document file1. When printing is
finished, the user removes the form from the printer and notifies the system
of this:
xpmount -f- -d printer1
Again the confirmation is displayed on the screen:
Form unmounted for"printer1"
– To print the document file2 on printer printer2 using the form manual:
xpadd -job -dr file2 -de printer2 -fm manual
The user mounts the required form.
Then he/she enters the command xpmount, this time avoiding the query by
specifying the required values explicitly:
xpmount -f manual -d printer2 -s
Xprint V7.0 confirms with the following message:
Form"manual" is now mounted on device"printer2".
The printer starts printing the document file2.
When printing is finished, the user unmounts the form on the printer and
notifies the system of this:
xpmount -f- -d printer2
Again the confirmation is displayed on the screen:
Form unmounted for"printer2"